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I LOVE my birthday gift
from my sister!!
Graduation Gifts bring bright smiles!
in Granville, Ohio
Sunfest Ocean City, MD
Richmond, VA Gilmore Shows
Richmond, VA Gilmore Shows
"The prettiest jewelry I've ever owned!
Recently Engaged with
I love purple! St. Clair, MI
"Beautiful jewelry! I have many

"Your jewelry is so meaningful.
The Lord gives me strength at Santa Caligon Days, MO

Wedding business owner
in Frederick, MD

Momma loves to make her baby

Victorian Charm in
Shabby Chic in War Eagle, AR
"I can't wait to wear it!
I want to put it on now."
in Frederick, MD
Independence, MO

Pretty as a picture at War Eagle, AR
"My wife loves your jewelry!"

New memories in a new town! Brandywine Festival
Wilmington, DE
Loyal Customers at Santa Caligon Days

Richmond, VA Gilmore Shows

"This is my cousin & the first time we
"Oh look!" Her jewelry card says, "Listen
Pumpkin Show Ripley, WV

"Your jewelry is beautiful & feminine & timeless!"
Richmond, VA Gilmore Shows
his heart in mine!
Concord, NC
So unique! I always get compliments.
Katherine has an amazing talent!"
Independence, MO
pieces and have given many as gifts!
Beautiful lady I am happy to call friend
and we met just by visiting at the
Savannah craft show,
so happy and proud for you!"
Roses for Love and the leaf is in
the shape of a Heart!
I will always remember the
one Love I lost
Virginia Beach, VA
Frederick ,MD
girl happy in Frederick, MD
We buy every year in
Independence, MO
are hanging out together since we came
from different states." We all made friends
laughing & telling stories while these gals
picked out their favorite necklace in
Highlands, VA
in Independence, MO
To Your Heart! "You have my heart"
as they look at each other with tears in
their eyes, "and you have my heart!"
Festival of the Little Hills
St. Charles, MO
"We all love your jewelry & appreciate the quality and thoughtfulness that goes into everything you design."

Lavender Festival Hillsboro, Ohio
It's Rosie Bee with her mama

Customers become new friends Concord, NC

"I love your creations and
enjoy talking with you!"
Westmoreland, PA

" I still have and absolutely love
St. Charles, MO

Richmond, VA

KFP is a great addition
to your wardrobe.
What a wonderful feeling when
you find the perfect match!
Neptune Festival
Virginia Beach, VA
Another happy face!
Receiving a gift feels so good!

your jewelry. I’d love to see what else you have coming soon!"
Independence, MO
"Meet this beautiful soul yesterday & we connected on so many levels.
I hope we get to hang out again"
Made In The South Shows Concord, NC
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